Crafting Custom Build Tasks for Multi-Dimensional Android Builds
In our project, we have defined two dimensions: application (app) and store. For the app dimension, we have two instances: ‘app1’ and…
In our project, we have defined two dimensions: application (app) and store. For the app dimension, we have two instances: ‘app1’ and…
Today I find that one of my project consume more than 80G Project Storage, at first, I thought the project history consume this space, but…
There are many locations for the configuration files of systemd service, I want to know where are they and where to put my own…
Install percona server
We can use git tag to get all the tags from a git repository, I also want to get the tag creator and create time, the following command can…
I installed the piwigo server to manage photos, I also downloaded the Piwigo-Flutter-App from github, when I try to run the application…
To get the IP address of a domain from the terminal in macOS, we can use the dig or nslookup command. Here's how:
We use a macmini running gitlab-runner to build ios application, but recently I find it failed to start, when I running the gitlab-runner…