How to get crash log from android device with adb logcat
When we develop Android application, it’s very important to get the crash log, in this article, I will describe how I get the crash log…

When we develop Android application, it’s very important to get the crash log, in this article, I will describe how I get the crash log with adb logcat
Connect device with adb
In my another article, I describe how to connect device with adb, the article is listed below:

Solution 1: Use adb logcat directly
First we can run this command on the terminal directly, like below:adb -s <$ANDROID_SERIAL> logcat -b crash
Solution 2: Use adb shell
We can also use adb shell
, after connect to the adb shell
, we can use logcat
command to get the crash log, the command is like below:$ adb -s adb-816d824e-2lp6Pe._adb-tls-connect._tcp. shell
curtana:/ $ logcat -b crash
--------- beginning of crash
logcat command
There are a lot of options for logcat
, for me the most important option is how to list the logs for a specific application, which is --pid
option, to use this option, we need get the pid for the application.
Get application pid
To get the pid, we can use ps
command, for example I can search the pid of chrome like following:curtana:/ $ ps -A | grep chrome
u0_a214 4399 829 1557196 181892 0 0 S
u0_a214 4478 829 1833060 53532 0 0 S
u0_i0 4507 4478 1695756 104552 0 0 S
u0_a214 4522 829 1495976 112800 0 0 S
Show logcat with specific pid
After get the pid, we can use the pid to get the logs with logcat, the pid for chrome is 4399, so the command is like below:curtana:/ $ logcat --pid 4399
--------- beginning of system
If you also an Android Developer, hope this article can help you in your daily work.
Thanks for your reading!