Get app data on android device without root through adb backup
We find that the data on one of our app has problem, but we save the data on the app’s internal storage, that is /data/data folder, if the…
We find that the data on one of our app has problem, but we save the data on the app’s internal storage, that is /data/data folder, if the…
null safety variable
I have a server to store the built apks, it will generate an apk when there is a new commit, so there are a lot of apks on the server, and…
I bought a new VPS server from Contabo, I choose it because I watched a video before, that video suggested this service provider, and…
I was trying to get the image’s base64 string without upload files to server, and find that we can use FileReader.readAsDataURL to…
In my earlier article, I mentioned to set the timeout to solve the git fetch origin hang issue, the command I mentioned is:
Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Recently I am researching the adb command line tool to communicate with the Android Emulator and Physical Device, and I find that we can…
Sometimes we have a video file, and want to share it with only audio files, or just want to listen the audio of the video files, so we need…
Today, when I restart my computer, and I want to start the Simulator with the following command:
Problem Statement