The new VPS server that I bought

I bought a new VPS server from Contabo, I choose it because I watched a video before, that video suggested this service provider, and…

The new VPS server that I bought

I bought a new VPS server from Contabo, I choose it because I watched a video before, that video suggested this service provider, and currently one of my server will expire, so I want to buy one for try.

I bought a server with the following setting:

My first image of this service provider is that I don’t know how to do the job, because when I bought an instance, if I bought one month, then I need to pay the setup fee, the setup fee won’t free unless that I bought for up to12 months, it’s not like the other service providers, other providers will calculate the service with minutes, but this need pay for one month or one year.

After I payed the server, I receive a mail about the server is preparing, it might take 3 hours. So I am waiting, but actually it takes 9 minutes after it is finished, I received a mail about the login credentials.

After I login the management page, it also is very simple, I can only see my instance, and the operation I can do with the page is very little.

But the server is OK, and one thing is missing is that it says it has 32TB traffic, but I din’t find a place to monitor the network, but I think its OK for me, because my server has no such large traffic.

The welcome message on the Linux

When I login to the server, it always show a welcome message like below:_____
/ ___/___  _  _ _____ _   ___  ___
| |   / _ \| \| |_   _/ \ | _ )/ _ \
| |__| (_) | .` | | |/ _ \| _ \ (_) |
\____\___/|_|\_| |_/_/ \_|___/\___/Welcome!This server is hosted by Contabo. If you have any questions or need help,
please don't hesitate to contact us at

It’s a little annoying, I want to change it, and I also want to know where did they configure this value.

After I search the internet and find that the message was configured in /etc/motd , after I delete the content on this file, the message was gone.

The motd help message is like below:

The contents of /etc/motd are displayed by login(1) after a
successful login but just before it executes the login shell.
The abbreviation “motd” stands for “message of the day”, and this
file has been traditionally used for exactly that (it requires
much less disk space than mail to all users).