The tips that I collected on backup files
There are too many files on my machine, and I want to backup them to the cloud, and I also don’t just backup the plain files, so I want to…
There are too many files on my machine, and I want to backup them to the cloud, and I also don’t just backup the plain files, so I want to compress the files and encrypt them, these are the tips that I get when I try to do the job. The first tip I get when I try to back the file names, the second tip is to encrypt the file name together with the file content.
Show Unicode for tree
Today, I find that when I use the tree command to list files in a directory, the filename with Unicode didn’t show correctly, for the filename has some Chinese characters, we can use the -N
option to show the characters correctly, the command is like below:
$ tree -N ~/Downloads > Downloads_221205.txt
I got help from tree command shown Chinese character as unicode
Encrypt file content together with file names with 7z
I want to backup my files on cloud driver, but I don’t want my files to be scanned, so I want to encrypt the file content and also the file names in the zip file. I find in the internet that we can use 7z to implements this, the command is like below:
$ 7zz a -p -mhe=on Downloads_221205.7z Downloads/
To list the content of the files we can use the following commands:
$ 7zz l Downloads_221205.7z