Lint kotlin in a commit
Today, I encounter a problem, the problem is the kotlin files in a commit, but committed without pre-commit check, and I want to check the…
Today, I encounter a problem, the problem is the kotlin files in a commit, but committed without pre-commit check, and I want to check the…
We use buildSrc project to configure dependencies, but with buildSrc, Android Studio won’t report version update, in order to check the…
當我認識你,那一刻起,我的心都交給了你; 當我信仰你,那一刻起,我就是你的兒女。 當我徘徊在,痛苦的邊緣,是你伸出你的手; 當幸福來敲門的時候,我知道那是你的恩典。
Go 1.8 supports generics, this is a simple example to sum numbers and sort numbers.
This is an example to specify jdk 1.8 on bash script.
你是我今生的唯一 你是我永远的知己 你是上帝所赐的礼物 你是我要寻找的伴侣 我们的爱情比酒更美 我们现在已合而为一 我承诺永远对你忠实 直到天长地久爱着你 无论顺境与逆境 无论健康与病疾 无论富足与贫穷 我要爱护你如自己 若将我的生命为你舍去 我也愿意我也愿意…
When Jesus said to you and to me, I love you. He did not say, I love you only when you are good. When Jesus said I love you, He did not say…
Album (專輯): 不變的愛 Song (歌曲): 雨後的天空 詞曲:盛曉玫 Lyrics & music: Amy Sand
經文摘編:葉薇心 (約翰福音十: 10, 11, 14) 作曲:袁培華
良友电台《真道分解》节目中有对整本圣经的讲解,我们现在读到《约书亚记》了,在真道分解节目中,《约书亚记》有两个系列,为了方便使用Podcast在手机上听,我把这些内容放在了一个RSS URL中,可以把URL添加到Podcast中,这样就可以方便用手机来听了。
When I try to run a command to parse file on a usb disk, the command can run successfully from terminal, but the crontab job always failed…